Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Michael has a cough again. Feeling a bit crummy it seems. He's often super grumpy when he wakes up in the morning or after a nap. This morning he was grumpy and clingy, but Sharon put him down. Michael got upset, and he ran to me. This is always fun for me because he almost always prefers for mom to hold him instead. As I held him, he wouldn't look at Sharon. He often refuses to look at someone when he's mad at them. After a few minutes of being sweet to me, Sharon asked if he wanted her to hold him. Immediately Michael said yes and looked at Sharon, holding out his arms, smiling.

I can't help but think that Michael was just using me to make Sharon jealous. Tricky little boy.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Yesterday was the elders quorum BBQ at a community pool. Had some one on one swimming time with Michael. He loves swimming so much. It was fun to see him play on the stairs. He would go to the deepest stair where his mouth was barely above the water and refuse to have me help him. Several times he lost his balance and fell under water, and I would help him up. He would act scared for a few moments and then want to be on his own again. Brave little boy.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Did you have a fall, Enoch?


A few nights ago Enoch fell off his twin bed and cried in the middle of the night. We went in their room and comforted him. I did ask a few times if Enoch had a fall. And I think Michael remembered that. 

Last night I went into the boys' room to check on them, Michael suddenly got up and said "Did you have a fall, Enoch?" Twice. I told him no, Enoch didn't have a fall. Then he lied down and said " Michael had a fall." He is such a cute boy even when he is half sleeping!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ice cream truck

5/21/13: I love how almost every time Michael prays he mentions the ice cream truck. Or the trampoline :-)