Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Michael cut up Peters shirt

This afternoon I found Peter's shirt was cut up, and Michael told me that Peter wanted him to cut it up...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Mom bought Peter this shirt for Christmas last year. Today Peter told Michael to cut it up... and Michael did what he said😬😁

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

pretending you can't see

Michael, I want you to remember that when you were 4 years old you tried to trick us into believing you couldn't see so that you didn't have to learn how to read. I've been working with you for months now to do your letters and sounds and words and it's been slow going. I've always known you get frustrated, but then one day you said you couldn't see the letters because they were too small. I showed you many different sizes of letters and you said you couldn't see the small ones but could see the big ones. I felt terrible and thought that all your frustrations about learning how to read were because you couldn't see. Mom took you to the eye doctor as soon as possible, and he eventually said that your eyes look perfect. Apparently, at the doctor's office you were saying that you can't even see the largest of letters. However, the doctor dilated your eyes and said everything looks totally normal.

That little lie cost us a $20 copay and a $55 eye exam fee.

I think the whole thing is actually pretty hilarious. You are one crafty little boy and know how to get your way in life.

Different cows make different milk

Michael just told me that : There are three kinds of cows that make different milk. Brown cow makes chocolate milk, red cow makes strawberry milk, and the white cow makes 2% milk and whole milk😂