Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Playing together

At chic fil a while Enoch is seeing ophthalmologist. Love how Michael and Peter play together. They would be so bored alone! Peter is waiting for Michael to go down slide. If Enoch were here it would be three best friends playing together.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Watch you sleep

I love to walk into your room and watch the three of you sleep. I think I'm going to miss this period of time so much when you all grow up and have your own rooms. I'm crying a little btw. I love you three so much! You are all amazing little boys! I'm so glad that you have each other. I hope you love each other and have each other's back at all times, even when you grow up or grow old. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

I don't want one dollar

Michael said at dinner table, "I am not happy when you gave us one dollar (red envelop money)". Of course we asked why, he said " I don't want one dollar, I want ten dollars. Ten dollars can buy more (stuff)!" Yeah, sorry kid, didn't live up to your expectation 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Today mommy and daddy got mad at Michael using "我就很累!" as an excuse for not doing the work. I asked him to pick up the pillows he threw on the ground. He immediately held his tummy and sat down on a chair, said  "我就很累!" We told Michael that from now on he can not use this excuse for not doing work. But it was kind of funny how he used that excuse ;)

Saying "I love you!"

I am so glad that all of you are not shy when it comes the time to say " I love you!" I enjoy you telling me that often, and I need it often. I love you Enoch, Michael and Peter! You are raised to voice your love more openly and comfortably. I was not raised that way, and I am still learning to be more open about my love. You three boys remind me all the time that if you love somebody, you tell them and make sure they know. Thanks my babies! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Favorite thing of the day

Had a somewhat busy day. View from JPMorgan Chase Tower 60th floor. Also walked houston downtown tunnels for the first time. Then in the afternoon, Daddy took the boys to the library and then a great park to play while I had my doctor appt. By the end of the day, we asked our boys what their favorite thing was today, Michael said " eating dinner!" And Enoch said "playing Angry Birds games on daddy's Nexus!" Yeah, pretty much sums it up ;)

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Michael always says that he has 很多肉. He also believes that because of this he won't get cold. Went to the store today and he was the only one who didn't put on a jacket. He refused, saying 我的肉很多,我不会冷


The belt on the air conditioning is loose or old. The car makes a very loud screeching sound whenever it is turned on if the AC is also on. It only lasts a few seconds. I always think it's cute because whenever it happens the kids think that there are snakes in the car.

reading in bed

We've played a nice trick on the kids. We've convinced them that reading to each other in bed before bedtime is the funnest thing ever. Sometimes they use flashlights, which really does seem fun. But usually it's just with the lights on and the door closed and they read books together before I turn the lights off. It doesn't happen every day, but when it does it's a treat. I can even bribe them with it.

Don't get me wrong, we do read to you kids at night and you've always had a nice bedtime routine. But it just amazes me that now I can send you to be extra early to read books, and you're all excited for it :-)