Wednesday, June 26, 2013
reverse psychology
Sometimes it's fun, though, because reverse psychology actually works. Once at story time I wanted him to sit by himself and not on my lap. I said I wanted to sit on the sun on the carpet by myself. Michael, as predicted, said, "I'll do it" and he went and sat on the sun that he thought I wanted to sit on.
Once, at dinner, I wanted him to eat a few more bites when he was all done. So I told him he was all done and took his bowl away. Of course, he screamed for it back and ate some more.
The best part about reverse psychology is that he thinks he's getting the best of me.
Story time boycott
I think he's probably too young to feel that it's not cool, so it seems that he's just extremely shy or embarrassed to participate.
The interesting part is that Michael does the exact same thing. And Michael is often very outgoing, so I wonder if it's a behavior he has learned from Enoch. Or is he also shy, too? Or do both boys just think the whole thing is dumb?
The thing is, if I were them I probably wouldn't want to participate, either. As far as I can remember, I've always thought that kind of thing is dumb. But my memory is really shaky going back to when I was 3, and I would assume 2 and 3 year olds are too young for thoughts like that.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Determination 2
I wrote earlier about Michael going without dinner. He did it again the next day. He had 4 helpings of green beans and wanted some more. I told him he had to eat some taquito, too. He wanted green beans. I told him the rest of the green beans were for mommy, that he had to share. Sharon ate them, and he cried the rest of dinner, refusing to eat taquitos. We didnt give him anything else.
The next morning he wanted a big spoon to eat breakfast with. There weren't any left, so I gave him a small one. He refused to eat. I thought it was hilarious that he went without dinner and was also willing to go without breakfast if it meant getting his way. I don't think Enoch was ever this determined / stubborn.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Playing together
Interestingly, for the rest of the day they were both playing together a lot more than usual. And it was fun, imaginative play. Putting the laundry basket on each other's heads, etc. I think it's important to have time for that, with no TV or structured activities. It made me happy to see them having fun together.
Yay for ambulance and firetruck that replaced icecream truck/cone
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
The ladies
Getting big.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Sharon said yesterday Michael bit Enoch because he wanted a toy Enoch was playing with. Heard he was a terror to put in timeout but then was an angel afterwards.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Nursery and a fit
He had another 20 minute crying fit after his nap today. Lasted until several minutes into dinner, when he suddenly started eating and was instantly sweet and happy as ever for the rest of the night.
Michael still manages to pray for the ice cream truck or ice cream cone whenever he prays. It's hilarious. He usually says something like "请祝福冰淇淋车 ice cream cone!"
Amazingly, both he and Enoch went to bed when the babysitter told them to without crying. While they like to try and manipulate us, I love how well behaved they are with other people. Great kids.